Monday, November 22, 2010

A Change?

I have been thinking...., while sometimes these are dangerous words, I don't think they are in this case! ;-). I want to try to "re-invent" the way my family and I live. We don't have lots of extravagant things or all the "latest" but we do have alot, more than enough. There was a blog I read and I can't seem to get it out of my head, it was about living simply; not going without but living with only want you need with a few higher priced items that fit what you like or do, for example an Apple laptop because you blog, do photography, make music, or movies therefore it would be a good investment or a more "expensive" treat, but you would use it.

I have been struggling with my children with cleaning up after ourselves, taking care of our things, and being responsible. So the blog topic keeps coming back to me and I realized we can do without some of the things we have and it would cut down on the clutter and mess; which is a great selling point for me because I hate looking at the clutter and mess and I feel overwhelmed to deal with it all, I am THE only one in my household that cares to do anything about it.

With all this in mind, my 9 year anniversary is looming around the corner along with my birthday and the holidays, so I got to thinking......, "How can I accomplish living simply and making all these dates memorable?"  I would like to start with my anniversary, but I have no idea, what kind of things we (my husband and I) can do to celebrate or what to give each other that we don't have to spend money on but can do the job of giving each other a gift that is appreciated and remembered? The best gifts are those that are homemade, come from the heart, and have more thought in it than money, right?! So, if you have any suggestions or ideas, I would appreciate the help!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

School, School, and More School

So far I have only posted about my crazy extended family..., today I need to post about me. The reason I haven't posted isn't because I have run out of crazy, but because I am so behind and stressed.

I homeschool two out of three of my children, because the youngest is two. I am also enrolled in college. I have put off going to school and finally decided to start, this is my second semester in. I decided to homeschool after the second one started (not throughly thought out). It is my fault that I let my own studies fall behind, so now I am frantically trying to catch up before a test and paper is due. The homeschool curriculum I use is not a bad one, it is actually good, but not for us. I am teaching (sitting at a table with pencil and paper, my children are) for 9 hours not including lunch break. I cannot live and teach like this. I want it to be fun and exciting and different than sitting in a classroom all day at a desk. I don't even have time to look up and tweak or lesson plans because of my school, keeping up with a house (cleaning), teaching, doctors appointments, oh and cooking.

I talked with a friend today about some things they do with their homeschool and it lead to why exactly I am in school. She asked me, "What is the point in putting yourself through this stress for a piece of paper?". I had no response. I initially thought that it's because I love learning, I love being in the kind of environment where you interact and discuss to learn. Granted online schooling you don't get that the same, but I wanted to start somewhere. Her question goes over and over in my mind. Is it really pointless? Should I drop the extra stress in order to commit fully to my children's education, while putting mine on the back burner, again? I mean, I don't really have a "goal" in order to have that piece of paper to show to potential job places. I always wanted to be a mom, to stay home and care for my kids, be readily available to them for the time(s) that they need me. Sure, there are plenty of things I am interested in, like photography, reading/editing, writing (and you see how much I get to do that); but is the degree, a piece of paper, worth what I enjoy? Can't I do all these things without a degree, and be good at them?

I have to think more on it, but should I quit after this semester?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Guys, Mom, and a Boat

About a week ago, my mom and I went on a cruise. A Twilight cruise to be exact. But this post isn't about the Twilight or the cruise, it's about something that happened along the way. To understand this better you have to know that I have always been a big girl. Since I was about 7 I have been REALLY overweight, I managed to loose some when I was about 16. Tack on having 3 kids and it put me back over the top, weight-wise. Then, at the beginning of this year something sparked and I started managing what I ate and working out, alot. I managed to drop past my lowest weight I had ever been at 16 which was 138 to a now 115 (this is a healthy weight because of my height, I am very short, 5 ft to be exact). I have never been "popular' with the guys as a love interest, just hanging out as friends; usually because they liked my friends. Now that you have that bit of info, I can get to the point.

Apparently, if you ask my mom, I was a "hot commodity" to the staff of guys on the ship. One in particular was a photographer (the ones that go around and take pictures of the events and such for you to buy later). My mom thought he was the cutest, sweetest thing and he "was so taken with me" (her words, not mine). One evening, after a little to drink, my mom wants to talk to me about how I am treating this guy, etc. Now, in all honesty, I have talked to him when he stops to say hi and I am sociable with him (as anyone else, I am a very social person) but I didn't insinuate or suggest anything (I am married!) nor did I lead him on in any way. However, my mom started saying things like: I "shouldn't lead him on if I wasn't going to follow through with anything" and "he is so sweet, don't break his heart, he really likes you", blah blah blah. Now I am NOT stupid, I mean these guys are on a ship for months and months at a time, they are gonna sleep around (not all but most, and we even had some of them told us this).  I am flabbergasted, I mean SERIOUSLY?!!! I am married, happily and to me, this is out of nowhere!! I go on to tell her all these things and she replies with "I know that you aren't use to this kind of attention (which is true) so, I don't want you to jump on a guy because he is showing you attention and you don't know how to flirt. You should be more playful with them." Again, my jaw drops! Didn't she just contradict herself? UGH!!! I mean I don't get where all of this came from! I was being nice, just like I am with anyone else and she jumps on me for not doing anything with this guy..., then proceeds to say that she doesn't want me to do anything just because of the attention and I should flirt and be more playful!?!

Now, I love my mom, I do. She just has these moments (usually with the help of alcohol). My sisters and I have learned to say whatever in the moment then to just let it go. After the conversation I was a little miffed, so I went to the event that was going on that night and along the way wanna know what I saw? This guy, this sweet, cute guy was all out flirting with another girl. See!!!! I told you, they do that and probably to every girl they find pretty! The next day, my mom didn't really remember the whole thing.So, I reminded her and clued her in on the fact that the guy wasn't at all upset at the fact that I didn't jump him, there were plenty of other girls on the ship.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just a little to get started!

Hi! I have started a number of blogs and failed horribly to keep up with them. Then on my recent vacation, it was suggested that I write about my family. Now I have a husband and three kids, and these are the ones I have tried to write about in other blogs, but during the daily goings on I would run out of things to write or maybe that particular day nothing funny happened. This time they were talking about my WHOLE family; not only my kids and husband but my siblings, mom, grandparents, and their families, cause lets face it....., we're all crazy (note the name..., "The Crazies"). 

 So, a little about my self...., quickly. I am 26 years old, I have three boys (yes, all boys) who are 7, 5 and almost 2. I have been married 8 years to my husband who is in the Air Force. I have 4 siblings, of which I am the oldest, next to follow is a brother who is 24, a sister that is 21, another sister that is 18, and another brother that is 7 (he is actually 2 weeks younger than my 7 year old..., see I told you crazy!). Actually,  I do have another sister (half, well most of my siblings are half, but we are so close that it doesn't seem that way) and she is 16 (I think, see I told you we weren't really close). I don't have much contact with her because she lives with my dad and I am not close with him (for reasons, I'm sure will be known as I blog).  

Just to give you a little taste of the ride you will be reading about, as I said I am the oldest. My brother, the 24 year old,  and I share the same dad; our mom divorced him, married his brother and my sisters were born (so, technically we are half siblings/cousins, more crazy!); then our mom divorced again and remarried (now her 3rd husband) the Beginning of the same year I married my husband. A year later on the same day my mom and I found out we were both pregnant, then I gave birth, two weeks later..., my mom had my youngest brother. I hoped my baby would be older just cause it's funny that the nephew is older than the uncle! Now that you have a taste, I hope you will come back for more. I have SO much that has happened to my family and me, that I should be able to keep up on this blog ;-). Enjoy and hope to keep you intrigued, if not laughing!