Wednesday, November 10, 2010

School, School, and More School

So far I have only posted about my crazy extended family..., today I need to post about me. The reason I haven't posted isn't because I have run out of crazy, but because I am so behind and stressed.

I homeschool two out of three of my children, because the youngest is two. I am also enrolled in college. I have put off going to school and finally decided to start, this is my second semester in. I decided to homeschool after the second one started (not throughly thought out). It is my fault that I let my own studies fall behind, so now I am frantically trying to catch up before a test and paper is due. The homeschool curriculum I use is not a bad one, it is actually good, but not for us. I am teaching (sitting at a table with pencil and paper, my children are) for 9 hours not including lunch break. I cannot live and teach like this. I want it to be fun and exciting and different than sitting in a classroom all day at a desk. I don't even have time to look up and tweak or lesson plans because of my school, keeping up with a house (cleaning), teaching, doctors appointments, oh and cooking.

I talked with a friend today about some things they do with their homeschool and it lead to why exactly I am in school. She asked me, "What is the point in putting yourself through this stress for a piece of paper?". I had no response. I initially thought that it's because I love learning, I love being in the kind of environment where you interact and discuss to learn. Granted online schooling you don't get that the same, but I wanted to start somewhere. Her question goes over and over in my mind. Is it really pointless? Should I drop the extra stress in order to commit fully to my children's education, while putting mine on the back burner, again? I mean, I don't really have a "goal" in order to have that piece of paper to show to potential job places. I always wanted to be a mom, to stay home and care for my kids, be readily available to them for the time(s) that they need me. Sure, there are plenty of things I am interested in, like photography, reading/editing, writing (and you see how much I get to do that); but is the degree, a piece of paper, worth what I enjoy? Can't I do all these things without a degree, and be good at them?

I have to think more on it, but should I quit after this semester?

1 comment:

  1. That is a heavy question, Sabrina. Wow. I have no idea what I would do in your situation...what a hard place to be.

    9 hours a DAY, you're schooling your kids? I can tell you that is way too much. School, at their age, shouldn't take longer than two - three hours. Wow. I couldn't do 9 hours at this age either...dang.

    I love you so much, and really really wish I could bring you a bag of truffles and a hug.
